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Scientific contextualization of the martial aspect of karate-do |
Jefe de cátedra de Karate-do Universidad de La Habana (Cuba) |
Roberto González Haramboure (Ray Haramboure) rayharamboure@yahoo.com |
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http://www.efdeportes.com/ Revista Digital - Buenos Aires - Año 8 - N° 44 - Enero de 2002 |
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In mostly of the cases, when we say to a person that we are practicing karate-do, this person have the following doubt: you do it as a sport or as a martial art? The point is...Are they contraries? As this excluyent character is based on empirical concepts, we will attack it from a scientific context.
When anybody define a fighting system as a martial art, almost always characterize it because of it discipline, respect, organization and the perfection of its performances among other aspects. The wrong of it characterization is that, if it is true that in the called martial arts all those aspects are ponderated, otherwise, in the rest of sports, in any measure, you can also see those aspects, and in any of the cases those sports are defined as a martial arts. The answer, so, had to be searched in other direction.
It is well known that, martial ars that has become fighting sport, has suffered several succesive approaches in wich has been delimited not only the techniques but also the attack zone; as well as the regulation, in time and space, of the performances among other aspects. But those changes dont assure the lost, al least not completely, of the martial and traditional aspect of karate-do.
In modern times, almost generally, that karate-do practitioner, on its search of a trophy or a well color belt, try to be faster, stronger, and have more endurance and flexibility; as well as to know more techniques and use them as best as possible. That, with no doubt at all, according his results, help him to became an outstanding sportman. But...also as a karateka? Lets analyze it.
Martial arts have their origin in the eastern continent centuries ago, and in all the cases they have been characterized by an inner aspect involved with several mind subjects such as visualization, breathing, focus ane energization among others, that in modern times are usually seen in a wrong way as misticism. With that base, when we compare karate-do and the rest of martial arts with aonther sports, we can see that in it subject lies the real difference.
About this subject we can learn that mostly of the karate sensei insist in keep alive the martial aspect of karate-do, but it is not always possible because of the problem of its introduction in the scientific context of sport training metodology, scenary where modern karate exists.
In our articles published before on it magazine, we have refered to the neccessity of use of martial aspects in the karate-do preparation process, based on the criterias of classical authors either of sport in general and martial arts in particular. On it research, as a step ahead, and starting from the concepts of several sciences relatives to sport training,we pretend to describe the structure of it martial aspects, as well as its influence. In the first case my criterias are supported by a deep and long multifacetic bibliographic study; and the second case, on my experience because of the results achieved by my athletes, thanks to the use of it martial aspect on their sport training.
On the last version of the competitive regloament written by the World Karate Federation, on several articles we can read about the neccesssity of use many aspects that characterize it as a martial art, in order to its importance to be consider competent on each competitive specialities. One of those aspects refered is KIME, with the includded KI, and for that reason we have choosen them on it research.
With the intenttion of offer a better comprehension, instead of a long explanation, we decided to show the information in a graphic way. We hope that it research help to the contextualization of the martial aspect of karate-do in the modern sport training metodology, and consecuently help the generalization of it use. Like this, and only like this, our objective will be satisfied.
Aspects that conform the mind preparation level in martial arts
Aspects that conform KIME
Location of KIME into the sport master level
Main bibliography consulted
World Karate-do Federation. Competitive regloament. 2001.
González Haramboure Roberto (Ray Haramboure)., "Proposed of an integral preparation program, based on several contents from the eastern culture, to be used in the sport training of junior karatekas." Thesis in option of the Doctor in Physical Culture Sciences Degree. Instituto Superior de Cultura Física "Manuel Fajardo". Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, 2001.
González Haramboure Roberto (Ray Haramboure)., "KIDO, the way of the spirit." Ciudad de La Habana 1999.
González Haramboure Roberto (Ray Haramboure)., "Zen, from shaolin to the olympics." Ciudad de La Habana 2000.
Matvéev L P., "Fundaments of sport training" Ed. Raduga 1983.
Nicol C. W. "Moving zen", Ed Diana 1978.
Ozolin N G ., "Contemporary system of sport training." Ed. Progreso1970
Ruiz Ariel., "Metodology of physical educación." 1985.
Another articles of Ray Haramboure
English | Deportes de combate
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digital · Año 8 · N° 44 | Buenos Aires, Enero 2002 |