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Motivational activities to improve reading skill. A guide with motivational activities based on recycling materials Actividades motivacionales para mejorar la habilidad de lectura. Guía de actividades motivacionales basado en materiales reciclados |
*Universidad de Guayaquil **Unidad Educativa Espíritu Santo (Ecuador) |
MSc. Jacqueline López López* MSc. Lizmary Feriz Otaño* Lic. Johnny Segundo Campoverde López* MSc. Lorena López López* MSc. Xavier Oswaldo Viteri Guevara** |
Abstract Most of the public schools do not use the ludic activities to engage students for the reading skills developing and learning, besides the lack of motivation, the traditional methodology, has as a result the necessity of developing a project that can be used as a modern tool in teaching English. The purpose of this work is to increase the students’ enthusiasm now of learning a new language, based on the interactive classes, the application of ludic activities, the participation of the students in classes; this will improve the reading skills of the English language, especially in young children. It could be said that the teaching of the reading through interactive classes, ludic activities and games made from recycling materials could be a good motivating alternative for primary students. Finally, through this proposal it could be applied a methodology that includes readings of different topics created in high relief to increase the interest of pupils in the English learning at Public Educative Unit Manuela Cañizares. The proposal is a guide with variety ludic activities focused towards reading through songs, some tales and short stories, riddles, tongue twisters, board games, and so on. Keywords: Reading skill. Motivational activities. Recycling materials.
Resumen La mayoría de las instituciones públicas no utilizan las actividades lúdicas para atraer a los estudiantes en el desarrollo y aprendizaje de la habilidad lectora. Además de la falta de motivación el uso de metodología tradicional dan a notar la necesidad de desarrollar un proyecto que pueda aplicar herramientas modernas en la enseñanza de inglés. El propósito de este trabajo es mejorar el entusiasmo de los estudiantes al aprender un idioma nuevo, basado en las clases interactivas, la aplicación de actividades lúdicas, la participación de los estudiantes en sus clases, esto mejoraría la habilidad lectora en el idioma inglés, especialmente en los niños más pequeños. La enseñanza de la lectura a través de clases interactivas, actividades lúdicas y juegos hechos con materiales de reciclaje podría ser una alternativa buena motivadora para los estudiantes de primaria. Por último, a través de esta propuesta se podría aplicar una metodología que incluye lecturas de diferentes temas creados en alto relieve para aumentar el interés de los alumnos en el aprendizaje de inglés de la Escuela pública Manuela Cañizares. La propuesta es una guía con una variedad de actividades lúdicas enfocadas hacia la lectura a través de canciones, historias cortas y cuentos, adivinanzas, trabalenguas, juegos de mesa, y así sucesivamente. Palabras clave: Habilidad lectora. Actividades interactivas. Materiales reciclables.
Reception: 04/26/2017 - Acceptance: 11/07/2017
1st Review: 10/12/2017 - 2nd Review: 11/02/2017
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Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Revista Digital. Buenos Aires, Año 22, Nº 234, Noviembre de 2017. http://www.efdeportes.com/ |
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Most of the public schools do not use the ludic activities to engage students for the reading skills learning, besides the lack of motivation, the traditional methodology, has as a result the necessity of developing a project that can be used as a modern tool in teaching English.
The purpose of this work is to increase the students’ enthusiasm at the moment of learning a new language, based on the interactive classes, the application of ludic activities, the participation of the students in their classes, this will improve the reading skills of the English language, especially in young children.
The theoretical frame contains the principal foundations that support this investigation; her are explained the advantages of constructivism and cognitivism as teaching models, besides the details of the benefits of applying this project.
For the development of this project has been consulted books and websites listed in the bibliography.
In addition, an annex section includes supporting material such as documents, surveys and interviews, photos, graphics, etc.
Finally, the content of this work has been explained and detailed in four chapters with the purpose to emphasize each part of the development of the project, which are the following:
The aim of this project was the observation in the seventh grade of basic education at Manuela Cañizares Public School, located in Sauces 1, it was analyzed that most of the students have a limited domain in reading comprehension. The responsibility about these linguistics failures falls in the teachers that are teaching the Language subject with traditional methods, it could be one of the main reasons because the students have low concentration in the reading skills. Another reason, could be because they do not participate in interactive classes, it could be that the excess of students in the classroom that is why it is difficult to work.
The lack of didactic materials in the classes could be another factor that would influence the lower motivation of the reading comprehension.
The principal objective of this work was to demonstrate the importance of using different resources in a class, how the innovation of materials can motivate the learners to participate and produce more. In the case of recycling materials it becomes easier, accessible and economical which must be prepared by the teachers and students and will contribute to develop more abilities, creativity and imagination in students who will enjoy what they do.
Since that the technology prevails, it could be said that handmade things, could stay behind in the past against modern teaching.
For this reason, it would be imposed and encouraged the creation of games made from recycling materials.
Finally, it could be said that the teaching of the reading through interactive classes, ludic activities and games made from recycling materials could be a good motivating alternative for primary students
Learning any language is channeled through reading, having lack of this skill, everything would be more difficult to assimilate; therefore, it could implemented many study skills through ludic activities focused for reading skills, with this the lack of motivation would improve to learn the English language.
Therefore, teachers should constantly update themselves to innovate, taking courses and seminars by themselves, or reading books with such themes in order to learn to develop more efficient and in a motivating way providing interactive classes; and thus arouse interest in learning the English language; and this is very important for the intellectual and professional development throughout life.
Some of the factors that influenced the difficulty to develop the reading skills in English are:
Use of traditional didactic materials.
Classes with excess of students.
Few interactive classes.
The importance of motivation is used to discover many complex forms of learner and would be involved cognition and affection for that process.
Motivation is said to move the will of each person to achieve something important in his life; in this case would be the student (Obregón, Lorenzo, Rodríguez, & Morales, 2016); learning how to move the desire to study, learn and discover; It would be achieved arouse interest to do anything for personal gain. Therefore, a car without motor does not move, the same apply to a person, if they have interest in something, the person does not move
According to the search in Manuela Cañizares Public School which was founded about 45 years ago, which was named Republic of Panama, it is located in Sauces 1 and only it worked in the morning time; with the pass of the years the number of students increased to double the quantity: in the afternoon and in the evening. Due to in the evening time were not the concurrence of many students and was suppressed; it was reduced to two shifts: in the morning and in the afternoon time and it stayed with the name of Manuela Cañizares Public School.
The motivation in the educational world is a term that is commonly used as a synonym of wanting to get an increasingly a variety of learning. Reading about this is to read and then share achieved goals. In reading about motivation, you can know everyone around it.
The routine is part of life, but only the lack of stimulation induces boredom. A good disposition is important if you want to be motivated. Notice, also, that creativity is an instrument against monotony; to paint, write or work on hand crafts, enriches life.
The occupation of the parents (routine labor o creative endeavors, self-employment or independent jobs) helps to influence motivation. In an experiment in which it was studied the motivation of 7th grade students, the ones that were the most enthusiastic were the ones whose parents had more independent jobs and the students were expected to make.
The process of motivation is characterized in the following way:
Motivation is an internal feeling.
Motivation is related to needs.
Motivation produces goal oriented behavior.
Motivation can be either positive or negative.
To motivate students in an effective way, would be necessary to discover what their main needs are and in this way they would be solving the main reason for their disinterest about learning.
If an achievement of objectives to follow is created and solved. The dilemma of lack of motivation that exists in most students could be completely solved, if the students have a clear, precise and concise goal to follow in their educational life, in this way; it could have a brilliant, prosperous and outstanding future.
There is a positive motivation when the desire to achieve that goal.
The most important types of motivation are:
Extrinsic motivation
According to Brown (2007, p. 8), “An extrinsic motivation is dependent upon the consequential rewards and punishments resulting from the behavior.” The extrinsic motivation gives a series of rewards for the good actions you have in life.
Intrinsic motivation
On the other hand, for Brown (2007) “An intrinsic motivation encourages behaviors for their own sake.” (p. 8) when the learning activities accomplish for their own reasons, the desire to improve, to know much more than others; these people do not need external incentives to do their jobs, they do it by themselves.
This type of motivation does not exist much, mostly people are motivated by a reward but not on their own initiative.
For this reason, the class that it is going to be taught could be motivated with the different types of ludic activities, because without motivation could not have excellent results from the study in education.
Importance of motivation
The lamp of learning is complex and includes cognition, affect, and motivation as seen through the eyes of each person’s culture. The demands people make of themselves must include the ability to learn to learn, to think more deeply, and to understand the importance of integrating cognition, affect, and motivation in all learning. (Greenberg, 2005).
The importance of motivation is used to discover many complex forms of learner and would be involved cognition and affection for that process.
Reading skills
For a good reading comprehension, it is necessary to attend to the text in general, not to small fragments. It is better to start with a general understanding and then according to detailed information add more to our reading, go to understanding on a deeper way” translated by the researchers (Cultural S.A., 2008).
This means that having cleared what is the main idea of the text that is being read, with this; it could be deepened in such theme, and so for Forero (2004) “the collecting of nonsense information, it is not productive” (p.322), so when there is no understanding of the reading, this is because it is known how to interpret what has been read. To achieve this goal is necessary to follow some steps:
Recognition and conceptualization of the subject..
Global reading, fast of the text.
Reading comprehension, this implicates an interaction with the text and a slower reading.
Reading processes
Before reading
Before Reading a text, write its title on the board. Ask the children to brainstorm sentences they think would be in the text. As a large group, classify the sentences and display the where all children can see them. (Booth, Guiding the Reading Process: Techniques and Strategies for successful Instruction in K-8classrooms (1998)
Because when it says before-reading, is talked of a quick and superficial reading and can be realized through to read the title and author's knowledge, for to intuit that it is; before it is reading to deeply.
So only in this process with to read the title, it could intuit that will speak at all reading, therefore; with only to read the title of the book already it could has the main idea of the topic to read.
Anderson´s opinion about “reading is a basic life skill. It is a cornerstone for a child's success in school, and, indeed, throughout life. Without the ability to read well, opportunities for personal fulfillment and job success inevitably will be lost.” (Anderson, 2014) sometimes a reading tells us nothing, not feeling us, not move us because commonly read once a text doesn’t achieve to motivate and impact the reader's interest, because you have to read it several times for achieving the understanding such of reading which will bring successful for the future life.
Response activities help to confirm for children the purpose of Reading-to make meaning. Reflecting, rereading, revisiting, and then responding help children to develop critical thinking skills. It evaluates what it has read, link it to personal experience and prior knowledge, and compare and contrast the experience to other, similar experiences. (Booth, Guiding the Reading Process: Techniques and Strategies for successful Instruction in K-classrooms, 1998).
According to the author of this book after reading a text could be achieved the development of critical thinking, which ratifies the true meaning of reading.
After of complete with all the steps of reading; this is the most beneficial part of this process, because here it would remain very clear the main ideal and all other topics that to involve to total reading comprehension.
After of complete with all the steps of reading; this is the most beneficial part of this process, because here it would remain very clear the main ideal and all other topics that to involve to total reading comprehension.
Types of reading
Phonological reading
According to Edicersa (2006) phonological reading is “play with the intonation in the pronunciation of words helps a better expressivity” (p. 84); in other words, emphasize the words encourages for a better understanding of its meaning.
Worth propose permanent games for securing the domain alphabetical code: songs, rhymes, riddles, jokes, stories that supposedly narrate the origin of the graphs, are resources that learning it becomes fun and enjoyable and helps us to lose fear of words. (Edicersa, 2006).
For that, the readers are trained to manage better the alphabetical code, also it is necessary to encourage with real and practical activities such as riddles, rhymes, stories, and so on. Therefore, this kind of reading is important to emphasize for the development of this project.
Denotative reading
According to Marks (2005) “The dictionary of a word is its denotative meaning” (p. 88), therefore; when it is done a denotative reading, each word of the text is related with its real and corresponding meaning.
In accordance Howard (2004) “Denotative meaning refers to the relationship between a linguistic sign and its denotation or referent” (p. 57); in other words, the denotation means that only it true meaning is found in a dictionary, and this totally real. Talk of denotation is talk of seeking any meaning of a word in the dictionary, that there quickly was found.
For example, Aurora denotes the part corresponding to the sunrise day, and this is how it is defined in dictionaries.
Connotative reading
According to Howard (2004)“The connotations constitute additional properties of lexemes, e.g. poetic, slang, baby language, biblical, casual, colloquial, formal, humorous, legal, literary, rhetorical”(p.57).The connotation is something figurative; this means that given the meaning to someone or something, it was not in the dictionary.
Example a point for this term; is the squirrel, it is because this animal is astute and clever; this is what it wanted to say about that person.
In addition Edicersa (2006) to expresses that: “Denotation and Connotation are two different kingdoms, although complementary” (p.106). Therefore, the denotation is something real and the connotation is something figurative, this is the difference. Nevertheless, there is not real meaning of a word.
When someone is reading a text; will find the denotation and connotation, which are going to be together. There will always be a real and unreal approach to each term.
Therefore, both are very important when determining the meaning of a word in context.
Reading extrapolation
In concordance Sullivan (2014), “A contemporary version of such a reading practice can be extrapolated from Murray Gell-Mann’s theory of the complex adaptive system" (p. 18). Such systems are not static but undergo continual evolution; they change and they learn”, in other words; extrapolate is to use phrases that have been created in certain circumstances, that today can be applied in different situations.
This type of reading is always in constant change, depending on the circumstances in which the person is this change is based on the experience and wisdom that each individual possesses.
Some argue that this style of reading-extrapolation that draws the reader well beyond the information explicitly presented in the text, the intermingling of personal experience and narrative events, the focus on a narrative’s world rather than its plot-reflects a gender-specific approach to narrative comprehension (Feng, 2013).
Each person interprets the reading according to the experiences he has had throughout his life.
Therefore, one could say that an individual without experiences is like a book without words.
Finally, the interpretation of this kind of reading varies according to each experience, which is constantly changing.
Reading study
Study Reading aims to develop the Reading skills you need to find information quickly, to identify what is important in a text, to compare different sources of information and to read critically. To help you with these skills, we study how text are structured, and how you can best deal with vocabulary problems, (Holmstrom, 2004).
Reading recreation
It is a recreational reading of enjoyment; It is, as Borges said, a concrete way of what we have, some- unfortunately not many are focused to meet happiness. In addition, there are people who cannot conceive life without the richness or the power. I cannot conceive life without reading. He concluded: I imagine the sky as a large library. Translated by researchers. (Edicersa, 2006).
This type of reading is to enjoy it, only those who like to read can do it with pleasure, because when there is no taste, there is dislike, but creating a nice place, either at home or in different institutions, it could be achieved to make the reading fun and productive which it can nourish the knowledge all the people in general.
According to Bhardwaj (2004), “Recreational Reading is an activity through which pupils develop the habit of seeking voluntarily for information and acquire a pleasant occupation for leisure time,”(p. 44) for this type of reading you have to create a pleasant atmosphere to be able to inspire and find total satisfaction issues.
Reading strategies
Following the version of Edicersa (2006), “Strategies are sets of coordinated actions to get an end. There are effective ways to achieve an objective” (p.110), it followed something in a sequential way, with which it gets the desired objective, because everything that is still in order, it has a productive end; otherwise about the disorder, which will not obtain any production.
There are strategies of permanent temporary and promotion: between the first and most effective are:
Reading corner as a pedagogical strategy
The reading corner is a strategy for renewal of pedagogical practices as proposal literacy in basic education, which favors the meeting of children with reading materials for them under the permanent guidance and motivation from a reader adult generally is professor.”(Edicersa, 2006).
Reading corner, it is an effective way to motivate the interest of children to read; because besides having that motivational space, arouses their attention to basic activities.
Under Edicersa (2006) “Borneuf and Paré observe that to the children of class don’t like reading and, also read little. Nor some teachers, who have been formed according to an analogue system, read and enjoy reading” (p. 112), of course; that there are children who are not motivated; so they are not motivated by their teachers, who also have it, because it cannot transmit what they do not.
Reading the room: is especially fun with magic wands
According to Bergeron (2002) “With wand in hand, children cross-check the room for familiar text to read and review. Bulletin boards, charts, enlarged poems, word walls, names, shelf labels, and the classroom calendar are a few of the resources children can use.” (p.25)
For all people and especially for children, reading in this way, is easier and more fun, because there is no way to get lost in following the reading correctly.
Children with this way of reading feel more secure in their way of reading, because holding the wand, many fun things to imagine what they were doing.
The funniest to learn the faster they assimilate any information provided to them.
Importance of reading
Nowadays French (1995) “the ability to read is, even in this multi-media age, critical for our survival, for our advancement and empowerment, and for our development as human beings.” (p.59) Knowing how to read is very important because it can open new horizons for the life.
Reading is very important for all stages of growing of life, thus; the person, who cannot read, is as someone who cannot walk.
In life, both are important, that the most important however, it could be said the reading.
Authentic materials to develop reading
The use of authentic materials sounds more challenging for the teacher who has to prepare the appropriate resources to work with each group but it is the best option to avoid students´ fear to work with a foreign language. However, their elaboration depends on many factors like: the topic to be taught, students´ needs and interests, their level of knowledge about the language. It is necessary to consider that for the majority of students it is easier to remember what they saw previously or what they touched or inclusive to remember authentic news on the radio which will stimulate students´ learning as well as it will develop their imagination, creativity and they will probably make relation with real facts making abstract knowledge concrete and enabling students to understand complex ideas through simple interpretation.
Educational activities carried out by using instructional resources displays several subjects, cases, works and operations in line with their real-life versions where students observe them by themselves to enrich the teaching process and increase the amount of learning. (Yildirim, 2008)
If students are involved in the process to elaborate materials with recycling resources they will be part of the activity, they will enjoy what they make and they will gain the habit to reuse materials (Benítez, Cholotio, & Calero, 2015; Benítez & Calero, 2016)..
The most common authentic materials to be used to teach are: newspapers, magazines, books, pamphlets, flyers, but the “recycling materials” can be included as instructional resources they can not only be considered to harm the environment, human health and space as the case of plastics and paper which can be reused to design and elaborate specific resources to work with students. Some of the materials to be reused must be cleaned and disinfected to get them in the best conditions for the learners; they also can be used again with other materials in order to make them attractive for the students. The materials to be reused depend on the information we need to transmit, in this way the teacher must apply the imagination to decorate and make it as similar as possible to the real stuff that it is needed to be represented.
To examine the influence of motivational activities in the reading skills through field, statistic and bibliographical research for designing a guide with ludic activities and games using recycling materials in the seventh grade students from Manuela Cañizares Public School to identify the motivational activities to encourage the interest of learning English, through field, statistical and bibliographical research. The specific objectives were to define reading skills through field, statistic and bibliographical research, to design a guide with ludic activities with recycling materials, focusing on reading skills development.
Methodological design
Methodology is generally a guideline system for solving a problem, with specific components such as phases, tasks, methods, techniques and tools.
Methodology has been an important part of this project because through specific data collection at the educative community it lets to recognize, analyzes and gives solution to reading problems.
Through the educational methodology all the studies related to education, can be performed to obtain an excellent comprehension of teaching learning, which could not be achieved without the necessary tools for this process.
This type of research has a broad scheme of the study, therefore it covers a range of educational phenomena to be processed, analyzed and thus to reach a better teaching-learning technique for all the persons who need and want to complete their studies and for all existing educational levels.
There are some types of modality of the research, but according to this project, the following modalities can be applied.
It is oriented to the study the human actions and the social life. It uses interpretative methodology (ethnography, phenomenology) this modality is applied through a survey, in order to know the level of Reading Comprehension that students have.
It is the use of statistical methods to analyze data. Mainly it is concentrated on observable and sensitive aspects of quantification of the phenomena. It is coherent with the empiric methodology and makes use of statistic tests.
Through this project, reading comprehension tests could be elaborated to know how much they learned about the given classes.
Types of investigation
Investigation is a careful search or examination, systematic inquiry. The bibliographical investigation and the field investigation.
The bibliographical investigation refers to the research done in libraries and on the Internet. The field investigation refers to all the elements already considered explanatory.
Explanatory research means that the research is conducted in order to explain any behavior in the market. It could be done through using questionnaires, group discussions, interviews, random sampling, etc.
Its objective is the explanation of the phenomenon and the study, intent to explain the causes by the phenomenon or the event that is produced.
This project is based in an explanatory investigation because the reading comprehension is considered as a skill that is not being developed in a proper way due to many factors related to students’ environment.
For that reason, interviews were applied in order to know the point of view of teachers and directives about the problem.
Levels of the research
This type of research is conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined. It helps to determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects. It should draw definitive conclusions only with extreme caution
In this project, its first level has contributed to the scientific knowledge development to accomplish an analysis of the Reading problems and the source of the consequences.
It could help to clarify relevant issues and define alternatives for addressing to the objective of this investigation, in other words it lets know the concrete causes of the problem.
The goal of all explanatory investigation is to answer the questions why Explanatory Research attempts to go beyond what exploratory and descriptive research look for to identify the actual reasons a phenomenon.
On the second level, the exploratory could help to clear up concepts, establish preferences, obtain acquaintance with the investigated phenomena and let facilitate the formulation of the problem. It could start from the study of the background, seeking a compiling data that might serve as a base for future studies.
Descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied.
On the third level, the investigation is descriptive because it has served to describe the characteristics and interrelation of the elements and components of the objects of phenomenology studied. In addition, this description helped to recognize and establish some characteristics.
Procedures of the investigation
The mechanisms for the investigation, as well as the criteria for the data analysis are the following:
Formulation of the problem.
Elaboration of the problem.
Design of the investigation.
Selection of the sample.
Application of the instruments of investigation.
Final data results.
Analysis and interpretation of results.
Conclusions and recommendations.
Methods of investigation
Methods is an established, habitual, logical or prescribed practice or systematic process of achieving certain ends with accuracy and efficiency, usually in an ordered sequence of fixed steps. In this project, the following methods were used:
Directive observation.
Techniques of investigation
A technique is a procedure or rule set, and the main objective is to obtain a specific result, either in the field of science, art, technology, sports, education or any other activity.
The principal techniques that could be used in this research are:
Results and discussion
Survey to the students
Table 1
I would like to learn the English language |
A. Totally agree |
15 |
B. Agree |
10 |
C. Indifferent |
5 |
D. Disagree |
5 |
E. Totally disagree |
5 |
Total |
40 |
Source: Manuela Cañizares Public School
Analysis: For 40 students surveyed, most of them are totally agree they like to learn the English language, 25% agree and a small percentage disagree of the result of this survey.
Table 2
I would like to work with recycling materials in the English language learning |
A. Totally agree |
15 |
B. Agree |
5 |
C. Indifferent |
8 |
D. Disagree |
5 |
E. Totally disagree |
7 |
Total |
40 |
Source: Manuela Cañizares Public School
Analysis: A high percentage of pupils would like to work with recycling materials; but other little percentage would be in totally disagree to work with recycling materials
Table 3
I would like to learn with games in the English classes |
A. Totally agree |
15 |
B. Agree |
12 |
C. Indifferent |
5 |
D. Disagree |
5 |
E. Totally disagree |
3 |
Total |
40 |
Source: Manuela Cañizares Public School
Analysis: They mostly agreed with this theme “games”, because this word means motivation, enthusiasm and joy for them, instead, other small percentage of children do not care I call to work or not with games.
Table 4
I would like to learn how to read in English |
A. Totally agree |
15 |
B. Agree |
9 |
C. Indifferent |
7 |
D. Disagree |
5 |
E. Totally disagree |
4 |
Total |
40 |
Source: Manuela Cañizares Public School
Analysis: Most of students of this course would like to learn how to read in English with the motivational activities that it could be applied in this project to improve the reading comprehension skills.
Table 5
I consider that learning English with interactive classes is important |
A. Totally agree |
16 |
B. Agree |
8 |
C. Indifferent |
5 |
D. Disagree |
6 |
E. Totally disagree |
5 |
Total |
40 |
Source: Manuela Cañizares Public School
Analysis: Most of pupils think that learning English through interactive classes is very important to improve the reading comprehension skills. However few of them are totally disagree with this idea.
Table 6
I would like to learn English through music |
A. Totally agree |
14 |
B. Agree |
13 |
C. Indifferent |
8 |
D. Disagree |
3 |
E. Totally disagree |
2 |
Total |
40 |
Source: Manuela Cañizares Public School
Analysis: A high percentage of students think that learning English through music is very funny and a little percentage totally disagree to learn through music.
Table 7
I consider that teaching through games would improve the English language |
A. Totally agree |
15 |
B. Agree |
15 |
C. Indifferent |
3 |
D. Disagree |
3 |
E. Totally disagree |
4 |
Total |
40 |
Source: Manuela Cañizares Public School
Analysis: This hundred percent of results show that when a child hears the word “Games”, it could cause many positive emotions, and with this could rapidly improve their reading comprehension.
Table 8
I consider that actual teacher’s methodology to teach should change |
A. Totally agree |
15 |
B. Agree |
12 |
C. Indifferent |
5 |
D. Disagree |
5 |
E. Totally disagree |
3 |
Total |
40 |
Source: Manuela Cañizares Public School
Analysis: Almost all the students think that analog methodology should urgently change in order to implement with new technique
Table 9
I would like to participate in interactive English classes |
A. Totally agree |
14 |
B. Agree |
13 |
C. Indifferent |
3 |
D. Disagree |
4 |
E. Totally disagree |
6 |
Total |
40 |
Source: Manuela Cañizares Public School
Analysis: A high percentage of pupils are totally agreed with participating in interactive English classes, but other little percentage is totally disagreeing with this idea.
Table 10
I would like to create toys with recycling materials |
A. Totally agree |
13 |
B. Agree |
13 |
C. Indifferent |
4 |
D. Disagree |
5 |
E. Totally disagree |
5 |
Total |
40 |
Source: Manuela Cañizares Public School
Analysis: The most of students would like to create toys with recycling material to take care of the environment and have fun at the same time.
Students could know that learning the reading comprehension skills; it could discover new ways of life.
Students could participate actively in interactive classes.
Students could learn the English language with actual methodology for reading comprehension.
Students could learn English with fun techniques for reading.
Students could know that to learn reading. It is necessary to know fun and practical methodology.
Students could learn English through music.
Anderson, R. (2014). The Report of the Commission on Reading -Reading Definitions . Obtenido de http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/students/jblanton/read/readingdef.htm
Benítez, J. I., Cholotio, C., & Calero, S. (2015). El manejo del color en las actividades físico-deportivas recreativas (1ª ed.). Quito, Ecuador: Editorial de la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE.
Benítez, J., & Calero, S. (2016). Espacios para la actividad físico deportiva y recreativa (2ª ed.). Quito, Ecuador: Editorial de la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE.
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