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The intonation in the oral expression. Design of a handbook for training the intonation La entonación en la expresión oral. Diseño de un folleto para tratar la entonación |
*Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía Escuela de Lenguas y Lingüística **Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE (Ecuador) |
MSc. Lizmary Feriz Otaño* MSc. Alfonso Oswaldo Sánchez Ávila* Lic. Jessica Campoverde Villamar* MSc. Ercilia Iliana Flores Morán* MSc. Alejandra Cristina Garcés Alencastro** |
Abstract This current document is the outcome from a deep research developed in the eighth grade students of General Basic Education from Francisco Huerta Rendon, related to the treatment of the intonation into the oral expression of the English language. This research process was carried out to notice and clearly point out to what extent the troublesome matter has reached in the communicative performance in the pupils. The objective of this project is to determine the influence of the intonation in the oral expression throughout the designing of a handbook for treating the intonation by means of short dialogues. This research also empowers to reckon about the oral expression as ones of the paramount and gist ability to develop by the human being so that it is timely to award the major role in the acquisitions of any language. According to that reasons, into the theoretical framework it was proper to fulfill a bibliographic research to accomplish a suitable development of the attached content furthermore, it is achieved to perform a field research where it is brought about several types of research such as descriptive in which the application of some empirical approaches such as the observation guide, interview and survey reveal how influence the trouble situation within the academic performance of the learners, explanatory because it is inquired about the causes why the trouble situation stirs up and purposeful owing to it provides a timely realia to try this educative issue. Once, the research methods were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted it is proper to come to the conclusion that the embodiment of a handbook for training the intonation in short dialogues for level A-1 will offer significant enhancements into the English communicative process of the learners. Keywords: Intonation. Oral expression. Short dialogues.
Resumen El presente estudio es el producto de una ardua investigación efectuada en los educandos de octavo año de educación general básica del colegio Francisco Huerta Rendón, en relación al tratamiento de la entonación en la expresión oral del idioma inglés. Este proceso de investigación se llevó a cabo para detectar y señalar abiertamente hasta qué punto ha avanzado esta situación problemática en el desarrollo comunicativo de los discentes. El mismo tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia de la entonación en el desarrollo de la expresión oral a través del diseño de un folleto de diálogos cortos para el tratamiento de la entonación. Este trabajo además incita a considerar a la expresión oral como la primordial habilidad a desarrollar por parte del ser humano y como tal se le otorgue el lugar protagónico en la adquisición de cualquier idioma. Por tales razones en el marco teórico se realizó una investigación bibliográfica para lograr un estudio pertinente de los contenidos adjuntados, además se realizó un estudio de campo donde se ejecutaron varios tipos de investigaciones tales como la descriptiva que a través de la implementación de los métodos empíricos como la guía de observación, entrevista y encuesta se reveló la incidencia de la problemática en el desarrollo académico de los estudiantes, explicativa ya que se indagaron las causas del porque se suscita esta problemática y propositiva porque aportará con un adecuado material para tratar este problema educativo. Una vez realizada la tabulación, análisis e interpretación de estos instrumentos investigativos se concluyó que la incorporación de un folleto para tratar la entonación en diálogos cortos ofrecerá mejoras significativas en el proceso comunicativo del idioma inglés de los discentes. Palabras clave: Entonación. Expresión oral. Diálogos cortos.
Reception: 12/19/2016 - Acceptance: 06/16/2017
1st Review: 05/20/2017 - 2nd Review: 06/11/2017
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Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Revista Digital. Buenos Aires - Año 22 - Nº 230 - Julio de 2017. http://www.efdeportes.com/ |
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In the last two decades, the English language has taken a major role rather than the other spoken languages across the globe and that relevance is marked due to the fact that this language is by far the most employee because of the wide range of speakers that would rather use it in their everyday lives thereby, the acquirement of this target language has become so gist even for the average human being.
In view of those requirements, the Ecuadorian Education System has incorporated the acquirement of English within the language syllabuses and curriculum to provide a new generation of more skilled learners to the society. Notwithstanding all these procedures to acquire this as a foreign language it has not been successfully achieved on the learners owing to this relevant language is not suitable treat within the English class performance.
So, that, in the research it is intended to highlight how an untimely or absence of the intonation and its features can accomplish an unsuitable oral expression, the same that was found in eighth grade students from Francisco Huerta Rendon High School. In order to outline all the procedures, this project is split into four chapters and its proposal development the same that will be treated and set up in brief words below.
At the beginning it is mentioned the incidence of this educational issue and its background, conflict situation, causes, formulation of the problem and relevant information that provide a quickly browse of this troublesome.
Then, it is encompassed the theoretical framework where is described the background of this educational issue, it implies the prior works related to this conflict situation, otherwise, it is managed the authors ‘quotations that supply the solid bases for empowering each one of the aspects of this project as well as the glossary of term for accomplish global understanding of this whole research.
After that, there were developed the methods over which this research is drafted, the procedures to accomplish the population and sample, likewise, the types of investigation and therefore its research' instruments required to carry out this research and their analysis and interpretation and as a final point, the conclusion and recommendation for those outcomes.
Finally, it was settled down a wide range of proposal aspects such as title, justification, objectives, feasibility of its application, methodological recommendation and table of contents, which are the procedures, requires for the proposal's draft and its ensuing development.
In the final analysis, it is bolstered and treated this intended educational issue after which it entitles us to enable the performance of this proposal in which it is supplied some foreground information related to the introduction and justification, besides, it is proceeded to the development of the handbook by means of several drills and dialogue to overcome this troublesome matter. As a final point, it is timely to perform each one of the chapters before mentioned.
This project is relevant due to provide help with a handbook for training the intonation in short dialogues by means of an articulation properly of the sound, it also improves to employ the biggest voice force correctly into a sentence to achieve as a result a better oral expression.
Besides, it is considered pertinent because its implementation will obey the stipulate by the LOEI “Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural”, in its two hundred –eight article in which it is mentioned that if the students do not achieve good grades, there must be applied a program to reinforce the misunderstood topics.
In the same way, it is in agreement with the seventh article in its F literal that stipulates that students must receive pedagogical support and academic help according to their needs.
The research’s fulfillment will perform new tools of work for the teacher, just as it is stipulated in El Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir in its four point four objective N literal in which states that it must be designed and implemented different tools and instruments, which allowed the educational development of the students.
The application of this research will provide as a result a positive evolution in the students' oral communicative competence. Letting the student as a direct beneficiary join with all the people around the teaching and learning process.
Therefore, it will also influence the area in which the student is involved, being their families, friends and communities as indirect beneficiaries.
To determine the influence of the intonation in the oral expression through a field, bibliographic and statistical research, to design a handbook for training the intonation in short dialogues.
Developing a proper English utterance has been one of overlooked and neglected field to be treated in English language at school, due to most educational curriculums put emphasis on the performance of reading writing abilities leaving out listening and speaking the gist skills to be learned into any language.
This linguistic branch spotlight on how people’s voice can be shifted into a speech, moreover due to the intonation people can distinguish whether somebody imply from questions to statement, it also provides clue related to people's mood.
Just as it is assumed by Roach (2001)
Intonations have always been a difficult thing to define. According to traditional descriptions, intonation is "the melody of the speech "and it is to be analyzed in terms of vibrations in pitch (…). Intonation can, and then indicate different types of utterance, such as statements and questions (…). Intonation also gives the listeners a lot of information about what is being said (…) .Intonation is said to attitudes and emotions of the speaker so that a sentence like "I think it is time to go now "can be said in a happy way , sad way and angry way and so on. (p.34)
Seeing that, it is appropriated to indicate that the intonation provides the rhythm and the proper flow to the speech. The intonation into any dialogue can be different, it implies it can be high and then plummet several times within the same statement.
Besides, the intonation provides aid to distinguish what the addresser wants to infer it means the utterance can vary from statements to questions. Likewise, it also reveals several clues related to the people's emotions and moods.
Indeed, the study of The Intonation and its features will provide some techniques and basis requirement to develop a proper English utterance. Just as it is pointed out by Wells (2006)
“Intonation is the melody of speech, in studying the intonation we study how the pitch of the voice rises and falls, and how speakers use this pitch variation to convey linguistic and pragmatic meaning. It also involves the study of the rhythm of speech, and (in English, at any rate) the study of how the interplay of accented, stressed and unstressed syllables functions as a framework onto which the intonation patterns are attached.”(p.1)
Due to the intonation, people are able to assume or infer other citizens thought they convey some particular linguistic meanings; it implies meaning can be altered by other people's inferences.
In order to acquire the knowledge into a proper pathway, it is required that the learners connect or scheme all the awareness that is being acquired to the one into their mind. Regardless of this, most teachers try to provide all the knowledge to their pupils preventing them from developing and construct their ideas to accomplish a whole understanding.
Likewise, to going further it was required to draw the boundaries about intonation in an attempt to try to rouse or paying heed toward the development of this main communication feature to improve students' utterance whom are less proficient as English speakers.
Just like, it is stated by Lane (2010)
Intonation, the meaningful use of the pitch on a word or phrases, contributes to the interpretation of discourse meaning, grammatical meaning, and affective meaning. In discourse, intonation identifies important information for the listener, shows how different pieces of information relate to each other, establish a level of engagement between the speaker and listener, and manages conversational turns. In grammar, particular intonation patter are common with particular structures, helping to distinguish statements from questions (….) in its affective functions, intonation reflect the attitudes and emotions of speakers. (p.85)
In view of this, intonation supplies assistance when conveying a particular grammar structure is required, furthermore it also provides aids to discriminate announcements, for instance, people will be able to notice when it is a question or a statements. Even shall be easy to infer people affective functions like feelings, emotions, and so on.
Regardless of performing an appropriate intonation it has been recommended to bear in mind some intonation's features such as stress types, pitch level and stress in sentences required to develop a suitable English's utterance.
Stress types
Being that, stress has a fixed place into a sentence it sometimes can be shifted to another place and therefore it shows different meaning, this intonation's area focus on the study of stress, it implies how stress works or how it is inferred by the addressee in a whole speech. This section can be split into three major branches: Emphatic, contrastive and new information stress.
Emphatic stress
In view of standing out or assigning emphasis to some words from others into a discourse, the use of this intonation's branch is priceless to accomplish this purpose.
Just as it is assumed by Lane (2010)
Highlighting involves the use of the salient pitch (usually high, but not always), together with length and loudness (rhythmic prominences), on the stressed syllable of a word that the speaker consider to be more important than surrounding words. Highlighting is also referred to as information focus, sentences stress, primary stress, pitch accent, nuclear stress, and tonic stress. This use of pitch (as wells as length and loudness) provide “a running commentary on the newsworthiness of the various items of information stress, and tonic stress in discourse, highlighted words present new, foregrounded, or contrasting information. (p. 96)
Every so often, people try to make some words more noticeable than other, even weather those words are content words or not, most people apply this emphatic stress to give more emphasis to what they want to say into the speech, and is therefore that this intonation area shall supply a swift review of newsworthiness key words into a series of information items in a long discourse exposed before.
Indeed, the use of this branch is so useful to the addressee because it provides some foreground information and reveal the people's emotions by making their English utterance more prominence according what they want to be inferred.
Contrastive stress
In view of this kind of stress, people can shift the average position of it to focus on a particular word into the same statement; this distinction can be altered from people to people making a quite difference in its meaning.
While using this contrastive stress there is not distinction whether or not it is content or function words, those are going to be more stand out than others are. According to what the people want to stand out into the speech. Just as it is explained by Lane (2010),”Contrastive stress is like highlighting, except that two words are pronounced with salient pitch and stress. Contrastive stress tells the listener that two pieces of information are being to be contrasted or compared" (p.98). Because of this stress nature, the contrastive stress provides clues to set differences from words to words according to the addresser purpose. Not only does it shows contrast between words into a speech but also a slightly shift in meaning.
Thereupon, Pierrehumbert and Hirschberg (1990) "describe the pitch accent on contrasting information as "a sharp rise (from a low note) to a high note"(p.26). With this in mind, it is assumed a pitch accent is made of two tones which are lined up within the accented syllable of a word, the same that is made of a starred and unstarred tone, in which the unstarred tone heads for or draws behind the pathway to accomplish the starred tone into the pitch range required.
Moreover, the use of pitch accent can enhance to distinguish words in a sentence, it means people will notice and infer when someone implies from statements to question due to the contrastive stress within a particular section of the speech.
New information stress
Seeing that when somebody makes us some inquiries about any topic, most of the time the new information given to those request will be uttered more stressed than the foreground information that was done before.
Indeed, the stress employed in this kind of intonation is going to be "stand out ̎ because those words are prominence, in fact Dalton and Seidlhofer (1994) "Describe prominence as the most important function of intonation, and almost certainly the most touchable one” (p.81). So the treatment of this stress is so relevant to be treated because uttering a word more prominence provides the rhythm to the speech which makes any language so living, and therefore it is so harsh to be acquired due to the learners do not supply any prominence at all.
Besides, when the employment of new information is required the prior statements are not going to be stressed, but the current one, it implies the new data that is about to bring to light shall be more prominence into the speech. Thus, the brand new declarative statement supplied from a previous feedback is by nature stressed therefore, it is required to employ a strong pitch of voice to accomplish the proper utterance of this into the speech (Celik, 2001). Being aware of it, people must be able to provide a proper utterance when they are call upon to furnish an argument about the topic being discussed.
Rising intonation
This kind of intonation is inferred to be uttered with a rising intonation when people are request to respond a "yes-no" question and the addresser is sure that the addressee knows the answer.
Just as it is claimed by Lane (2010)
The use of rising intonation with WH- question is a useful one for ESL students, who frequently need to ask for repetitions or clarifications, and is addressed in a number of textbooks. In discourse intonation, rising intonation at the end of a tone unit (thought group) signals that information in the tone unit is shared between speaker and hearer. It can also be an invitation for the listener to make a comment (i.e., indicating the end of a turn). (p.100)
Seeing that it is suitable to state this kind of intonation is useful for going deeper in a discourse by means of several questions, Brazil (1975) ̎ describes yes-no questions pronounced with rising intonation tone (e.g., Is that the title ?) as making sure questions, questions whose answers the hearer knows and the speaker assumes to be true " (p.20). This intonation is developed the most by ESL learner (short for English as a second language) when they want to ask for clarification into any topic.
Falling intonation
This pitch level is brought out when the voice plummet on the final uttered syllable of a phrase. This sort of intonation is found as long as wh-questions are required to employ.
Just like it is suggested by Lane (2010)
In discourse, speaker uses final falling intonation when they are informing listeners of something new (or something the speaker believes the listener was not aware of). Final falling intonation is also used to signal that a discourse or conversation turn is finished. (…)A final falling intonation indicates a speaker has finished speaking. To show the opposite, that the speaker is not finish and has more to say, final intonation does not fall to the bottom of the speaker's range, but remains at a higher level. (pp. 101-102)
With this in mind, falling intonation conveys further information about any troublesome matter. Not only does it provide new data related something, but also it provides one change to allow the addressee the time to speak or comment the prior utterance.
Rising – falling intonation
In this type of utterance people manage to perform both rising and falling intonation into the same sentence, it implies people's utterance shall rise then fall within the end of the same statement.
Just as it is stated by Roach (1998)
The fall-rise is used a lot in English and has some rather special functions. In the present context we only consider one fairly simple one which could perhaps be described as" limited agreement "or "response with reservations". Examples may make this clearer: - A: I have heard it is a good school. –B: Yes. B’s reply would be taken to mean that he would not completely agree with what A said, and A would expect B to go on to explain why he was reluctant to agree. (...) the fall-rise in such context usually indicate both something. “Given” or “conceded" and at the same time some "reservation" or "hesitation". (p.139)
Due to this intonation's nature, the usage of this tone is more employees to convey that the addressee and the addresser have come to an arrangement to what extent they both harmonize in the respond to a particular statement.
Likewise, to add to the definition it is considered to bear in mind the rising –falling intonation is so useful to declare an acceptance or consent to a particular idea or thought to what the addresser implies.
Just as it is pointed out by Roach (1998)
Rise –fall is used to convey rather strong feelings of approval, disapproval or surprise. It is not usually considered an important tone for foreign learners to acquired, though it is still useful practice to learn to distinguish it from other tones. This tone is certainly use in English, but in a rather restricted context it usually conveys (on single syllable utterances) a feelings of saying something routine, uninteresting or boring. (p.139)
Regardless of this sort of tone is not widely assume as important, it is useful to convey an understanding or decline to achieve a determined action because of them both the addressee and the addresser do not reach to outline any term into a troublesome matter.
The oral expression
Being ones of the gist abilities to be acquired by the average human being, the oral expression has become a pressing need to be developed and enhanced due to the fact it is a basic ability for conveying ideas and thoughts and therefore within the teaching-learning process it is not the exception.
Just like it is explained by Gosling (1921)
The term "oral expression" is used sometimes to denote the speaking voice and sometimes to denote a form of public address usually brief and delivered before and small audience. (…) to have ideas and to express them in a pleasing manner entitle one to leadership and to distinction. However, speech without valid thinking is nothing less than "a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal". The attempt to get expression without ideas, feelings or volitions has been characterized by an eminent American as "squeezing a vacuum." (p.160)
Being that the oral expression concerns about how the discourse is orally produced. This is the people's ability to relay their ideas and viewpoints without obstacles or barriers toward others human being, for that reason this skill has become so essential to develop it.
With this in mind, it is appropriated to state the oral expression is the one in which has presented a troublesome matter into the English classroom, in fact most learners whom English is not their mother tongue will find some issues in the performance of the proper oral expression and their features.
Qualities of the oral expression
They are gist traits that involve the oral expression development, those qualities provide a proper utterance of the sound for learners that want to acquire the target language being taught (English).
Those oral expression qualities shall be split into five ranges: coherence, fluency, diction, volume and pitch, which will be developed below.
It is how people structure every single word into logical connection, those procedures can be developed by handwriting or word of mouth into the speech to accomplish the statement makes sense and therefore their ideas and the addressee shall easily understand thought.
Just as it is suggested by García (1997)
The messages that are conveyed orally must have a logical arrangement, it implies it is gist to be mutually linked and properly attached to the context. It is unsuitable to tacking or turning up with a brand new topic whereas the prior one has not been deeply treated and finished. The inappropriate comments shall distract people's attention from the main matter and therefore the coherence will be greatly affected. A person develops a timely oral expression when their ideas are performed into a logical thread. (p.197)
Bearing this in mind, it is proper to convey that coherence is an important item to perform within the development of the oral expression because it provides a logical connection of the people's ideas and thought and therefore their relayed messages will be understood.
Besides, performing a coherent communication involves a suitable development of the speech in which it is respected the people's turn for speaking likewise, it is not proper to encompass random topics because a real communication will not be accomplished and the message thereupon shall be illogical or barely understood by the audience.
This ability is defined as the people's faculty of developing a proper accuracy and speed whereas conveying their thought into any speech. When performing fluency people must bear in mind that an appropriate sound utterance is required in order to accomplish a better oral expression.
Just like it is highlighted by García (1997)
Speaking fluently involves an easy conveying of someone's thoughts. Every single word is related with the previous one and therefore, other words will be bring to light spontaneously. Words are join together to support and complement each other, so that they make sense and therefore it is possible to have full sentences. Fluency makes a lovely and accuracy the oral expression, it also showcases people are fully aware of the talked language. (p.197)
Seeing that, it is suitable to claim that fluency is how easily people can share their ideas and thought to other people, those ideas must be properly connected to the prior one so that the whole dialogue is developing in a suitable way.
Managing a timely fluency is so relevant while a communication is being held because it reveals that people can manage and dominate the target language being learnt hence, it is useful for avoiding sounding choppy and embarrassed in front of other people.
It is described how people manages and arrange their vocal cavity to produce and articulate every single sound that are uttered by the people to convey any information to someone else. Diction is so important when relaying a message is required due to the suitable or unsuitable performance of it will depend on the understanding of the message.
Just as it is described by García (1997)
For the oral expression, diction implies to develop a proper sound utterance. Words must be right choose, so people do not hesitate whereas they decode the messages. Every phoneme should be noticeable accurate and understood by the human’s ear. Diction is ruled by the timely management and articulation of sound, so that the addressee is not force to make any effort in order to decode the message. (p.197)
Over this term, it is inferred that diction is a relevant ability to be performed because achieving a proper diction involves a right articulation and pronunciation of the every phoneme that make up a words, so that there will not be any issue for the addressee to understand the idea.
A suitable diction performance is accomplished when during the whole speech the addressee is able to reply to some inquires without hesitating or asking for clarifications. Be means of this performance the addresser can be sure he has reached a suitable diction of the language.
It is in charge of rating the loudness of the voice and therefore it can increase or reduce depending on what would be conveyed by the addresser, due to the volume of the voice, it is easy for people to infer someone's mood.
Just like it is pointed out by García (1997)
The voice has a power when it is uttered. Volume would be described as the amplitude of the voice when it is listened. The employment of a low volume shall not allow noticing the voice. Nevertheless a noisy volume would be annoying, besides it can distort the voice even the message.(…) whereas speaking the volume must be monitor , it implies it can vary from increase to reduce according to the intentions that it is wanted to accomplish and the way how it is hoped to be received .(p.198)
Basing on this theory, it is right to assure that volume is how loudness someone’s voice can be heard. It implies that the people's voice can perform a high or a low volume. Whereas speaking people must be aware to manage and perform a timely volume to their speech to avoiding sound anger or desperate.
Nevertheless, it does not imply while speaking people are not entitle to manage a high or a low volume of their voice .In fact it shall rely upon the people's purpose whether or not they are required to emphasize any part of the messages or not.
Due to the pitch people are able to notice and therefore realize how sound can be slipped into high or low, pitch is measured by the frequency of the vibrations of the vocal cord, which can depend from people to people.
Just as it is stated by García (1997)
The human's voice can record several timbre, which can be lower-pitched as deeper tone and high note just as soprano do. The male's voice when it is produced tend to be deeper whereas female's voice tend to perform high notes when it is emitted due to their larynx. The vibration that the voice utter are owing to the vocal cords which should be suitable when the oral expression is being held. (p.198)
Because of this, it is inferred people can perform two pitches which can vary from deeper or high during the speech, those shift on pitch can range according to whom male or female is conveying the messages and to whom is addressed it.
In view of this, people must be aware of it when they are holding a speech, so that the addresser must regulate the pitch depending on his audience to avoid shouting and achieve to find the right one.
Oral expression features
This branch of the oral expression is in charge of describing whether the communication process is being accomplished or not. In this process, not only does it use to convey someone's thought, but also how it is carry out by the addressee.
This branch of the oral expression is at the helm of arranging what words people shall employ to engage a conversation, those arrangement of words can be split into a wide range of the level language that can vary from standard, familiar and slang to what extent that somehow people reach to employ ebony English which is employ for drop out people. In any case, the arrangement of the words will be according to whom the messages will be addressed.
Just like it is suggested by García (1997)
It is required to embrace the right words carefully. The right arrangement of it will rely upon the proper eloquence .On the whole, the words must be authentic, own, balanced, concise, clear, accurate, and energetic. It is not proper to employ words that has become obsolete, even less the ones that are unsuitable. Words that are not properly utter might be confused; even the ones that are not naturally pronounced may be sound funny. (p.196)
For that reason, most people must be aware of choosing the appropriate words to relay their thought and ideas whereas engaging into a conversation. The arrangement and development of the words might be according to who the messages will be addressed and the setting as well.
It is important to bearing in mind that most people around the word would rather employ a Standard English to achieve their ideas being understood. In view of that it is proper to avoid employing idioms or slang into their speech.
Voice modulation
When it is accomplished to talk, a relevant feature must be acquired next and it is the voice modulation which shifts the volume, rhythm and tone into the speech due to it provides eloquence to the discourse. Indeed the voice modulation allows figuring out people's mood and letting others to know whether the speaker is eager to talk about that topic or not.
Just as it is described by García (1997)
Once that a good diction has been performed, it is required to regard toward the management of the voice. It means how to shape it pitched it and make the voice develops the proper mood according to what the speaker wants to relay into his message (…) speaker should resemble the pitch of the voice to what he implies such emotions could be: pain, hate, excited, sadness, happiness, rage, honesty and so on. (…) People must be able to distinguish several volumes and speeds such as low, average, high, strong, deeper, quick and slow. (p. 201)
With this in mind, the addresser must be aware of employing the right voice modulation to convey the correct feeling toward the audience, it implies the addresser must provide the timely voice according to what emotions want to relay into the speech.
Whereas engaging into a conversation this ability is so important to convey people's mood because by means of this feature of the oral expression the addressee can even be touch due to the addresser's fillings.
Verbal communication
Messages can be relayed into several ways, and therefore it is the first pathway to achieve engage a communication between the human being, verbal communication is consider as the faster means to convey thought, ideas and views. Verbal communications can be split into a wide range such as interview, dialogue, exposition and debate.
The development of this sort of verbal communication is useful in these days because it provides a wide range of information related to the people being interviewed, which is the main purpose of this mean of communication.
Most authors claim that an interview is a conversation that is maintained by two or more people that are very keen about the same theme to accomplish inferring what the other people’s viewpoints are. Just like it is highlighted by García (1997)"The interview is a dialogue in which a person, the interviewer makes some request to someone else, the interviewee, about a wide range of topic related to their activities are judgment about a specific topic"(p.204). This kind of verbal communication is very employ and useful for journalist and businessmen to accomplish some foreground information of a person before hiring. It implies those request are makes to gather and measure up to what extent the people are capable to carry out one task or their thought about any topic.
Within the Educational field the interview is a technique that is developed to engage the learners to employ and become more proficiency in the development of the target language being learnt in the classroom.
This is a branch of the verbal communication, the performance of this technique encompass the learners to interchange points of views and opinions between all the people that take part of the topic being discussed, ones of the aftermath of the dialogue is that a new understand would be bring to light.
Just as it is pointed out by Valero (1996)
If it is, infer by dialogue the action of talking in a familiar language with one or more persons. We realize that most of the time it happens in a spontaneous way. It is used for interchanging knowledge, feelings, emotions, and ideas by means of this we can consider other people point of views and therefore acquire a decision. This technique empower us to reject or to bolster our viewpoints due to the other citizens' argumentation and therefore we assess our thought whereas the conversation is being maintained. (p. 119)
As it has been established above, the nature of this technique is unplanned and therefore is carried out by employing a standard language or familiar language .This methods is used for changing point of views and ideas about any theme besides, it is so useful to go further into a troublesome matter, because it allows to someone to relay a new consideration over the issue.
In the average classroom, this approach is useful to foster the creativity of the learners to use the oral expression in a series of setting and real situation that will be enacting in front of the class and therefore will enhance the development of this ability.
Being this other way of relaying a message the exposition provide background information about the setting, plot or main character of a story, the principal goal of is technique is to describe the most relevant items or development of a story.
Just like it is claimed by Valero (1996)
The expositions of explanatory report can be used from several perspectives, but we must to bear in mind it is not suitable for the freshman that are acquiring the target language because they do not know how to manage this technique and therefore they will not develop the procedures about how to perform it, hence this technique is recommended for the learner on their intermediate level or last school year(…) Whereas the explanation is being maintained the speaker must be able to manage the topic so that the speech must be utter clear, organize and accurate. (p.129)
Even thought, it is a proper technique to foster or carry out the development of the oral expression in the class, it is suggested not to be addressed for all the learners involve the teaching and learning process particularly for the freshman that want to acquire the target language but it is especially for the high level learners due to they already acquire the procedures to accomplish that aim successfully.
Furthermore, the exposition entitle the learners to report foreground information related to a specific topic be means of this technique the addresser can showcase his competence over the theme and is hence able to relay the information in a clear and proper manner.
Seeing that debate is a mean to convey people’s argumentations on a troublesome matter. It is based on two teams which will split into the ones that state an agreement and the other that claim their disagreement over the same theme, every one of them will support their argument according to their belief and viewpoints.
Just as it is stated by Freeley and Steinberg (2013)
Debate is the process of inquiry and advocacy, a way of arriving to a reasoned judgement on a proposition. Individuals may use debate to reach a decision in their own mind; alternatively, individuals or group use it to bring others around to their way of thinking. Debate provides reasoned arguments for and against a proposition. It requires two competitive sides engaging in a bipolar clash of support for and against that proposition. Because it requires that listeners and opposing advocates comparatively evaluate competing choices, debate demands critical thinking. (p.7)
In view of this, it is suitable to infer that this manner of conveying a message is so employ to share ideas and opinions, in debate will be some that claim to be in favor others that state to be against, but the main aim is to accomplish an agreement related to topic being discussed.
With this intention, the whole society is pervaded to engage into a debate in order to reach an agreement for most situations. In addition, in the educational field it cannot be disregarded because this provides a wide range of opportunities to enhance the development of the oral expression.
Just as it is pointed out by Lussier (2012)
It is important to view language teaching and learning as an entry to discover another culture. It embodies, by its nature, the presence of the other culture and contact with alterity, the act of noticing differences and similarities and becoming aware of Otherness without changing into someone else. It involves an important part of mediation in the interactions with members of the other culture. (p36)
With this in mind, it is proper to claim that language is a mean by which people from a particular nation can be aware of how other citizens from different country live and how this nation manage their belief and costumes and what habits they keep on making over the years due to their ancestor's traditions.
Piaget's theory suggest that those shifts are determined over the stages in which the person shall be going through, it can rate from a single baby, toddler, preschool, early adolescent, teen to become a young adult. During all these stages, people do not apply the same methods to acquire the knowledge.
Just as it is assumed by Piaget (quoted by Wood, Smith and Grossniklaus, 2013)
Piaget identified four major stages: sensor motor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational. Piaget believed all children pass through these phases to advance to the next level of cognitive development. In each stage, children demonstrate new intellectual abilities and increasingly complex understanding of the world. Stages cannot be "skipped"; intellectual development always follows this sequence. (p.2)
In view of this theory, every single offspring shall go through all these stages within their growth process. Each step will provide to the kid the gist procedure to achieve the current awareness that it wants to be learnt.
In order to acquire the knowledge into a proper pathway, it is required that the learners connect or scheme all the awareness that is being acquired to the one into their mind. Regardless of this, most teachers try to provide all the knowledge to their pupils preventing them from developing and construct their ideas to accomplish a whole understanding.
Just as it is stated by Coll (1985)
The knowledge construction process has been basically referred as an individual phenomenon and it is a product from the narrow relationship among the people and the object being studied, and therefore it is ruled out of other people's influence but not from the teacher whom is considered as a counselor, guide and coordinator due to he creates the proper environment for this process. (p.61)
This theory spotlights on the relationship of the learner and object being studied, at this point the learners must to scheme the new knowledge that is being acquiring to the intended one into the mind .In this process the student is the main character and the teacher performs a second role.
Besides, this process is so gist for accomplishing a real knowledge construction, it is so relevant to the teacher no to supply the whole awareness that is being learnt but just to provide a safe setting to achieve the performance of this learning process.
Research methods
Due to the research's nature, it has been required to use several methods to accomplish the best outcome to provide a proper query to the issue, so that those methods and procedures will be draft below.
Analysis-synthesis approach: Because an analysis is going to be developed over the issue then a synthesis about it will carry out, so, that it will be achieved to have a widely and deeply awareness over the troublesome matter.
Inductive-deductive approach: Being that on this method the first procedure is to consider some empirical theories about the research's problem, which bring about some data in order to acquire the specific or the required narrow scope to enhance the issue.
Historical-logical approach: Considering, this approach is based on revealing the historical background over the troublesome matter, it implies how the issue has been performed over the year, thus the application of this method is far too gist because it provides an overview of the problem.
Systemic-structural approach: Seeing that, this technique will provide the procedures to design the research's proposal, which will be used to enhance the troublesome matter.
Observation guide: Seeing that, it allows recording how the learning process into a specific matter is being developed over an average day of school, the procedures to be considered are how the topic is introduce, the teacher’s activities and performance of the class for accomplishing the aim, the methodology, resources and so on.
Interview: These realia is addressed to the teacher, and it is based on some inquiries related to problem situation, so that the teacher will be aware of and crack down on the issue to solve it.
Survey: Being applied to the pupils by means of several questions to measure their prior awareness, believes and point of views about the troublesome matter exposed.
Methodological design
This research had been outlined from its scratch to have a dichotomy foundation due to it cannot be split into the qualitative and quantitative nature, furthermore it has been based on a prudent and critical awareness that allow to employ the scientific method which is ones of the first based to acquire or gather information.
After developing the Chi Square Method, it is bolstered that the p value is less than 0, 05 so, it is noticeable the relationship among the variables and hence it is timely to point out that the intonation influences in the oral expression development so that, those outcomes entitle the researchers to carry out the performance of this researcher and its proposal so as to overcome this troublesome matters.
Otherwise, the vocabulary is other matter in which the oral expression cannot be successfully developed and this issue is carried out because the students employ isolate phrases or just reproduce the learning by rote.
Thus, it is come to the conclusion that the design and application of a handbook for training the intonation in short dialogue would be a timely aid to enhance this troublesome matter.
And now, it is timely to proceed to the treatment of the outcome gather from the instrument’s interpretation that were addressed to both the teacher and learners from the Francisco Huerta Rendon High School which takes part of the teaching and learning process.
In order to be easily to be acquired this survey was performed over the application of an understandable language. In the teacher's case, it was suitable to take advantages of the everyday development class to apply the guide observation and therefore the teacher's interview that was carried out at the end of the class.
Besides, the research data gather form the instruments were treated and tabulated into charts and statistical graphics, and at the end of this process, it was noticeable that a wide range of learners and teacher were agreed and keen in the development of this educational project.
Results and discussion
Study of the observation guide by items
After being in the English class development carried out by the teacher Margarita Robles Altamirano, the head teacher in charge of the eighth grade learners, a track from the Francisco Huerta Rendon High School. It was bolstered the intended idea of an untimely treatment over the oral expression management. These unusual outcomes were verified due to the performance of this observation guide and therefore those treatments will be outlined below.
Regardless of the few time to develop the oral expression the teacher managed to make a great introduction of the topic moreover, the speech was clear and accurate and therefore the performance of the intonation was very good. The vocabulary employed was fluent and manage an appropriate diction and coherence into the speech.
There is not a proper draft of the curriculum because there is not a suitable time to carry out the oral expression drill, the lessons were not bring into the Ecuadorian reality besides, there was not any management of the techniques such as debate and expositions for empower the pupils ‘oral expression. The scarce intonation supplied by the learners was barely proofreading.
The pupils’ oral expression was barely performed and their intonation whereas relaying any information was merely applied furthermore, their diction and voice modulation were not above average in fact, it seems to sound like clenching teeth. Even when they were request to reply to some inquiries their speech was not fluent and therefore they did not supply any sort of stress or rhythm into their discourse. Indeed their messages were not clear, accurate and their ideas were not properly connected, it is timely to state they produce a broken language with any prominence at all.
Analysis of the observation guide
In view of all those troublesome matters in the development of the English speech. It is inferred that pupils do not manage, utter or produce any prominence into their dialogues so teachers must redo the English curriculum from its scratch in order to provide the timely time to the development of the oral expression, which has become a pressing need to be treated over the eighth grade students from Francisco Huerta Rendon High School.
Otherwise, the teacher must make use of several strategies to empower and foster their pupils to the fulfillment of the oral expression and its features, which can be carried out by means of several techniques such as: debate, expositions and role plays which shall enhance their oral expression.
Indeed the target language is no longer spoken within the English class because pupils would rather make use or their mother tongue to convey their ideas. It might be because they cannot manage the target language.
Analysis of the interview to the english teacher
It is bolstered and found with the aid of this research instrument the intended idea of an untimely treatment of the oral expression due to an unusual arrangement of the skills involve in the development of it.
Moreover, it is discovered that classes cannot be fully accomplished because of the scarce English level, indeed those academic performance are due to external situation around them like pupil's familiar environment, and to cap it all, the educator pointed out their discourse is uttered without any prominence at all.
It is also asserted a below average employment of techniques to try to arouse the learners' awareness within the oral production development, bearing in mind all the prior issues already mentioned the instructor highlighted to have a little difficulty to achieve pupils comprehend the class when it is being performed.
Therefore, It is perceived there is not a timely technique and realia to overcome this troublesome matter so that the teacher claimed to be strongly agree related to the idea of the application of the performance of the handbook for training the intonation into the short dialogue for level A-1.
Analysis of the survey addressed to the learners
Table 1
Management of the oral expression within the English class |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Strongly Agree |
30 |
34% |
Agree |
25 |
28% |
Undecided |
11 |
13% |
Disagree |
9 |
10% |
Strongly Disagree |
13 |
15% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
Due to the data gathered, it is determined that the sample was 88 students in which it is shown that 34% described to be strongly agree that there was a troublesome matter in the oral expression whereas the 28% claimed to be strongly disagree, nevertheless the 13% said to be agree, while the 10% stated to be undecided, and hence the last 15% stated to be disagree related the unsuitable performance of the oral expression in English class.
Table 2
Utterance of the intonation in the English speech |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Terrible |
35 |
40% |
Poor |
26 |
29% |
Acceptable |
14 |
16% |
Good |
8 |
9% |
Very Good |
5 |
6% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
In view of this, it was found that 40% claimed their utterance of the intonation were terrible besides, the 29% manifested it was poor, whereas the 16% said to be acceptable, meanwhile the 9% stated it was good and finally the 6% mentioned that their utterance of the intonation was very good. It is timely to claim their English utterance required to be treated immediately.
Table 3
Fluency is required to perform a proper communication |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Always |
31 |
35% |
Often |
23 |
26% |
Sometimes |
16 |
18% |
Seldom |
15 |
17% |
Never |
3 |
4% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
Seeing this, it is proper to mention that the 35% of the learners stated that a managing an appropriate fluency is always required whereas engaging a communication moreover, the 26% assumed that fluency is needed seldom, while the 18% highlighted it is employed often nonetheless, the 17% said that it is applied sometimes, the 4% claimed that fluency is never required, so that it is timely to pointed out that fluency is so gist for achieving a suitable communication process.
Table 4
The diction management meanwhile speaking |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Poor |
33 |
38% |
Below Average |
25 |
28% |
Average |
15 |
17% |
Above Average |
9 |
10% |
Excellent |
6 |
7% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
Being the 38% of learners that claimed to be a poor management of diction however, the 28% assumed to be a below average diction, while the 17% described to perform an average one besides, the 10% highlighted to be an excellent fluency, and finally the 7% stated to utter an above average diction employed. In view of this, it has become a pressing need to enhance the pupil fluency into English speech.
Table 5
The relevance of clearness performance |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Very Important |
36 |
41% |
Important |
26 |
30% |
Moderate |
11 |
12% |
Of little important |
8 |
9% |
Unimportant |
7 |
8% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
Because of this, it is inferred the 41% pointed out clearness is very important moreover, the 30% stated it is important nevertheless, the 12% explained their clearness is moderated, the 9% assumed it was unimportant and also the rest 8% claimed the clearness development like of little important. Therefore, it is required to empower the pupils to manage a proper English articulation.
Table 6
The technique employed for acquiring the language are |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Strongly Acceptable |
6 |
7% |
Suitable |
8 |
9% |
Unsure |
35 |
40% |
Unsuitable |
24 |
27% |
Strongly Unacceptable |
15 |
17% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
Bearing in mind that, the 40% stated to be unsure related to the employment of the lexical acquirement, the 27% described it was unsuitable besides, the 17% claimed this development was strongly unacceptable. On the other hand, the 9% pointed out the management is suitable whereas, the 7% assumed it was strongly acceptable, and hence it is noticeable to improve the acquirement of English language.
Table 7
The voice modulation management is required for the intonation |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Always |
36 |
41% |
Often |
25 |
28% |
Sometimes |
11 |
13% |
Seldom |
10 |
11% |
Never |
6 |
7% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
According to this, the 41% assumed the voice modulation must be employed always; the 28% tend to be applied often even though, the 13% claimed it is needed sometimes whereas, the 11% stated to be supplied seldom, and the 7% highlighted to be applied never. In view of this, the voice modulation must be seriously treated for enhancing the pupil's intonation.
Table 8
A proper intonation improves the oral expression |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Strongly Agree |
37 |
42% |
Agree |
19 |
22% |
Undecided |
15 |
17% |
Disagree |
11 |
12% |
Strongly Disagree |
6 |
7% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
Due to this, the 42% pointed out to be strongly agree the intonation is so gist while performing the oral expression besides, the 22% claimed to be agree, the 17% stated they are undecided whereas the 12% assumed to be disagree, and therefore the 7% highlighted to be strongly disagree. For that reason, it is recommended to perform a suitable intonation its feature in order to acquire the timely oral expression.
Table 9
The management of the rhythm into the English pronunciation |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Very Important |
28 |
32% |
Important |
37 |
42% |
Moderate |
8 |
9% |
Of little important |
9 |
10% |
Unimportant |
6 |
7% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
In view of this, it is found the 42% claimed the rhythm management is important moreover, the 32% pointed out it was very important, the 10% stated the rhythm is of little important nevertheless, the 9% assumed the application of the rhythm is moderate and finally the 7% described the rhythm treatment is unimportant. Therefore, the rhythm treatment is required to be supplied for accomplishing a suitable interaction communication.
Table 10
Pitch application whereas relying a message |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Always |
9 |
10% |
Often |
10 |
11% |
Sometimes |
16 |
18% |
Seldom |
32 |
37% |
Never |
21 |
24% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
Seeing this, the 37% claimed to seldom supply a suitable pitch whereas engage into a conversation besides, the 24% stated to apply never, the 18% pointed out to provide an appropriate pitch sometimes nevertheless, the 11% assumed to use it often meanwhile, the 10% highlighted to manage a suitable pitch always, and therefore it is noticeable to pupils must embrace the pitch treatment to be able to acquired it whereas they are speaking.
Table 11
The development of the oral expression |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Terrible |
14 |
16% |
Poor |
37 |
42% |
Acceptable |
23 |
26% |
Good |
8 |
9% |
Very Good |
6 |
7% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
Being, the 42% assumed to be poor the development of the oral expression moreover, the 26% stated this treatment as acceptable, the 16% claimed this troublesome matter is performed terrible nonetheless, the 9% pointed out as good the management of this skill and the last 7% described this performance as very good. In view of this, is properly to reckon this ability must be more developed into classroom.
Table 12
The coherence development into English speech |
Items |
Frequency |
Percent |
Always |
17 |
19% |
Often |
22 |
25% |
Sometimes |
16 |
18% |
Seldom |
25 |
29% |
Never |
8 |
9% |
Total |
88 |
100% |
Source: Francisco Huerta Rendón High School
Because of this, it is timely to infer that the 29% highlighted their ideas are seldom coherent, the 25% described the coherence level is often meanwhile, the 19% stated to develop it always. On the other hand, the 18% claimed to apply the coherence sometimes and the 9% mentioned their coherence performance is never supply into the speech. For that reason, the coherence management must be right developed, in order to their ideas being understood.
Once that the data from the research methods such as the observation guide, the interview and the survey has been applied to the learners and teachers, it is proceeded to the treatment and analysis of those outcomes in eighth grade students from the Francisco Huerta Rendón High School which shall be drafted below.
It is bolstered an unusual treatment of the intonation and its features such as fluency, voice modulation and rhythm.
There is not a suitable technique to foster and empower students to develop their oral expression.
The target language is no longer spoken because pupils and even teacher employ their mother tongue to provide directions and relay their thought.
The learners' discourse is not proofread and therefore they do not manage, utter or produce any prominence into their dialogues.
Teacher does not count on proper realia and drills to overcome these educational issues.
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EFDeportes.com, Revista Digital · Año 22 · N° 230 | Buenos Aires,
Julio de 2017 |