Luís Vaz
- Professor, Research Center in Sport Sciences, Health and Human Development (CIDESD), University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro at Vila RealDegrees
- MSc, PhD
Research interests
Performance in Team Sports, Game Analysis; Rugby
Publications in peer review journals (2009-2010)
ISI Master List
- VAZ, Luis; ROOYEN, Michelle; SAMPAIO, Jaime; (2010) - Rugby game-related statistics that discriminate between winning and losing teams in IRB and Super twelve close games. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (9), pp. 51-55 (PDF)
- VAZ, Luis (UTAD). International Symposium on Peer Review: ISPR 2010. 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: In: Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (JSCI) USA. ISSN: 1690-4524 Indexed in EBSCO.
- LEITE, Nuno; VAZ, Luis; MAÇAS, Victor; SAMPAIO, Jaime; (2009) - Coaches perceived importance of tactical items in basketball players' long-term development. In Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte Dirección General de Deportes-CARM. Vol 9. Supple Facultad de Psicología ISSN: 1578-8423. pp: 27-29Sportdiscus e Scielo
- VAZ, Luis. (2009). "Enhancing performance by bridging the gap between theory and practice" 4 e 5 de July de 2009. UTAD - Vila Real.
- VAZ, Luis. (2009). Referring in International Symposium on Peer Review: ISPR 2009. 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2009- July 10th - 13th, 2009 - Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. Reviewing the article titled 'Are we loosing the scope of science and peer review?' oral presentation and be included in the hard copy and in the CD versions of the conference proceedings
- VAZ, Luis.(2009). I Simpósium de Performance Desportiva "Between theory and practice how to develop the player skills in a pratical session according with the latd program . 4 - 5 de July de 2009. Na UTAD - Vila Real
- VAZ, Luís. (2009). Análise do jogo de râguebi. Identificação das variáveis de acções do jogo e de resultado que discriminam as vitórias e derrotas nos jogos IRB e Super 12. EFDeportes.com, Revista Digital. Buenos Aires - Año 14 - Nº 134 - Julio.
- VAZ; L. (2010). Analysis systems performance for rugby teams. Journal of Sport and Science Magazine: National Sports Academy Vassil Levsky Blvd - Sofia (Bulgaria). April 2010.
- VAZ; Luís (2010). Sistemas de registo e de análise dos jogos de râguebi. EFDeportes.com, Revista Digital. Buenos Aires, Año 15, Nº 146, Julio de 2010.
- VAZ; Luís (2010). Análise do jogo de râguebi. EFDeportes.com, Revista Digital. Buenos Aires, Año 15, Nº 148, Septiembre de 2010.
- VAZ; Luís; David Carreras; Jaime Sampaio & Alain Mouchet (2010). Variables del juego que mejor discriminan la victoria y la derrota en los partidos igualados de rugby. Revista Apunts - Educació Física i Esports. (IN PRESS)
- VAZ; LUÍS. (2010). Acções do jogo e de resultado que melhor discriminam vitórias e derrotas em jogos Equilibrados de râguebi Do Torneio Super 12. Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte. (In PRESS)
- VAZ, Luís., Mouchet, A.; Carreras, D. & Honorato, M. (2010) The importance of rugby game-related statistics to discriminate winners and losers at the elite level competitions in balanced games. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. (In PRESS)
- VAZ, Luís. Mouchet, A.; Carreras, D.& Honorato, M. (2010). The importance of statistics to discriminate winners and losers in Rugby Competitions. Journal of Sport and Health Research (in PRESS).
- VAZ; Luís; Carreras, D. & Mouchet. A (2010). Que estatísticas do jogo melhor discriminam vitórias e derrotas em jogos equilibrados de râguebi? Revista Linea 22M. (IN PRESS).Organization and Conferences (2009-2010)
14TH European College of Sport Science (ECSS) Congress VAZ, Luís (2009). "Comparision between women´s and men´s game at rugby world cup level" 24th a 27 July em Oslo - Norway.
14TH European College of Sport Science (ECSS) Congress . VAZ, Luís (2009 "Rugby Union game-related statistics as a predictor of winning or losing teams in close games" 24th a 27 July em Oslo - Norway.
15TH ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE ECSS 23-26 JUNE, ANTALYA TURKEY (2010). VAZ, L. ;Mouchet, A. Carreras. Title: Activity cycles in Rugby Union - Six Nations 2009. Research Center for Sports Sciences, Health and Human Development (CIDESD/UTAD) - Portugal; Post Presentation.
15TH ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE ECSS 23-26 JUNE, ANTALYA TURKEY (2010). VAZ, L.; João P. and Leite, N. Title: SORCE AND ORIGIN OF TRIES IN RUGBY SIX NATIONS 2009. Research Center for Sports Sciences, Health and Human Development (CIDESD/UTAD) - Portugal; Oral Presentation.
15TH ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE ECSS 23-26 JUNE, ANTALYA TURKEY (2010). João, P., VAZ, L., Leite, N., Mota,P. Title: THE IMPORTANCE OF SETS AND GAME TIME AS A MODEL FOR VOLLEYBALL TRAINING SESSION. Research Center for Sports Sciences, Health and Human Development (CIDESD/UTAD) - Portugal; Oral Presentation.
15TH ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE ECSS 23-26 JUNE, ANTALYA TURKEY (2010). João, P., Mota, P., Leite, N., VAZ, L. Title: THE RELATIVE CONTRIBUTION OF SCORING SKILLS FOR WINING IN VOLLEYBALL - FIVB MEN'S GRAND CHAMPIONS CUP 2009. Research Center for Sports Sciences, Health and Human Development (CIDESD/UTAD) - Portugal; Poster Presentation.
15TH ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE ECSS 23-26 JUNE, ANTALYA TURKEY (2010). Leite, N., Sampaio, J., VAZ, L., João, P. Title: THE PATH TO EXPERTISE IN PORTUGUESE AND FOREIGN BASKETBALL. Research Center for Sports Sciences, Health and Human Development (CIDESD/UTAD) - Portugal; Poster Presentation.
15TH ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE ECSS 23-26 JUNE, ANTALYA TURKEY (2010). Leite, N., Sampaio, J., VAZ, L., João, P. Title: MENTORING IN BASKETEBALL COACHES. Research Center for Sports Sciences, Health and Human Development (CIDESD/UTAD) - Portugal; Oral Presentation.
Seminar "Teaching Team Sports": VAZ, L. Title: Analysis, external and internal workload in Team Sports. 18 th May 2010. UTAD. Vila Real. Oral Presentation.
3º CONGRESS RUGBY SOLUCIONES - MADRID -SPAIN (2010) - VAZ, L. Title: THE IMPORTANCE OF GAME ANALYSIS FOR RUGBY TEAMS. Research Center for Sports Sciences, Health and Human Development (CIDESD/UTAD) 09-11 July. Oral Presentation.Internationalization (Collaborative publication; Research; Graduate Training Networks or other forms of participation of the Research Group at the International level) (2009-2010)
Teaching Collaboration at the National Sports Academy Vassil Levsky Blvd - Sofia in Sports Sciences European Master Course, 29 May th -- 05th April 2010.
- Conference I: Analysis systems performance for rugby teams;
- Conference II: Analysis of rugby teams performance that best discriminate between winning and losing teams in IRB and Super twelve competitions.
Refereeing for the Journal of Sport and Science Magazine: National Sports Academy Vassil Levsky Blvd - Sofia- Section Team Sports (Rugby) 2010.
Refereeing for International Symposium on Peer Review: ISPR 2010. 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: Location: Orlando, Florida, USA. Date: 29 June - 2 July 2010. Reviewing 3 articles.
Teaching Collaboration at Department of Sports, University Paris 12, Creteil, France. In IP Rugby Program (2009-2011).
Research in video and rugby game analysis (Pocket Assistant Coach) with François-Xavier Compain (Sportstec); Gilles Uhlrich and Eric Laylavoix (F.F.R) Sofia 31 May-04 April 2010.
Teaching Collaboration at Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education (Coimbra) in Sports Sciences European Master Course, 07 th -- 12th July 2010Government/Organization contract research
Performance analysis from the National Rugby Team. National Rugby Federation.
Participation in Coaching Course (level 3) from the National Rugby Federation.
Technical Direction (Game Analysis) from the National Rugby Federation.
National Seminar: School Rugby Coach Level I Groups 260 e 620 - National Rugby Federation and APPEFIS (Coimbra (FCDEF) and Vila Real (UTAD) 24--29 Th March 2010.
Seminar "Coaching" - (IDP) to Coaches from National Program. With Dr. Doug Krouchak and Dr. Marc Schybert from Coach Association of Canada. 7 th to 9 April 2010- LisbonFuture Research
- Evaluating training and competition in team sports. Aggregating tactical analysis, External and internal workload. (GPS)
- Performance in Team Sports, Game Analysis; Rugby Union.
Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes · revista digital · www.efdeportes.com